Program Description
Program Model
The Hospitality Career Development Training Program is a 10-week cohort with 150 clock hours in which students work their way through a number of different courses which focus on catering staff development. The curriculum produces service excellence with a sound approach to company culture, skills training, and personal career advancement.
Students understand how hospitality-based businesses function through an internship/externship that will provide them the opportunity to demonstrate the workplace competencies garnered during their participation in the Wait Up! job training program that are needed for successful job placement, job retention, and career advancement.

Scope of the Program
WaitUp! provides a program that includes engagement with the participant to include comprehensive workforce development training and continued job development skills. Job search and placement assistance within the hospitality industry is based on the needs identified in each participant’s initial assessment. The program builds in flexibility to accommodate individualized plans to address individual needs.
This continuum of structured services offered by WaitUp! will help in transitioning these marginalized groups while establishing career pathways and preparing them to become responsible citizens in their communities. By uniting skill and opportunity, individuals are given a fresh start and a chance for a better quality of life.
Additional supports include:
- Transition Support Services
- Job Search Assistance
- Job Placement
- Job Retention and Follow-up
- Financial Literacy Workshops
Since transitioning back into the community from incarceration often carries collateral consequences for this population, wrap-around support services will be implemented to include support groups, mentoring, counseling, and referrals to other necessary support services.
The goal of this module is to assist participants in determining a realistic and appropriate career path, and to equip participants with skills such as interviewing and resume writing that are necessary to obtain employment. Industry professionals will conduct mock interviews to help prepare students and generate an interview strategy that could lead to job placement.
Upon successful completion of the training modules, Wait Up! will align with employers, via a network of hospitality professionals, restaurants, staffing agencies and program partners employers and employment agencies, who are willing to hire our graduates.
Once employment is obtained, follow-up is provided for at least one year to encourage job retention. Case manager will identify, and address barriers as needed. Upon the successful completion of the program, participants are encouraged to obtain either full-time or part-time paid employment.
Wait Up! has partnered with a financial institution to offer financial literacy workshops and asset development (gaining higher education, owning a car or home, having a savings account and or credit) to promote both short- and long-term success for returning citizens.